Nov 28, 2018
Voicemail: (630) 557-9787
Welcome to Episode 99 of WSTR! This episode's topics include:
- A trip back to 1999 for another look at The Phantom Menace
- Fan abuse of stars ain't so new after all
- George up to his old tricks again in Ireland
- ...and much, much, more!
For all your galactic...
Nov 21, 2018
Voicemail: (630) 557-9787
Welcome to Episode 98 of WSTR! This episode's topics include:
- The infamously awful 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special
- Stir, whip, stir, whip, whip whip stir
- Venom beats Star Wars at the box office
- ...and much, much, more!
For all your galactic news and talk...
Nov 14, 2018
Voicemail: (630) 557-9787
Welcome to Episode 97 of WSTR! This episode's topics include:
- Breakdown and review of the 1997 Special Edition releases of the Original Trilogy
- Is the Special Edition really so bad after all?
- Stan Lee passes away at age 95
- ...and much, much, more!
For all...
Nov 7, 2018
Voicemail: (630) 557-9787
Welcome to Episode 96 of WSTR! This episode's topics include:
- Special guest: Carla Giacolone, 501st member of the Northeast Remnant and Devaron Base!
- Mixed reception of Star Wars in the family
- Clone Wars cancelled for being "too graphic"
- ...and much, much,...