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Welcome to WSTR Galactic Public Access! We are glad you are here and listening in. WSTR is a podcast where three good friends and guests come together to discuss all things Star Wars. Whether you are new to Star Wars or a seasoned veteran, every Wednesday brings the latest in Star Wars news and fresh insights, critique, and appreciation for that galaxy far, far, away. For all your Star Wars news and talk needs, this is the podcast you've been looking for!

Business and Fan Email:
Voicemail - be featured on the show! (630) 557-9787

Nov 28, 2018 

Voicemail: (630) 557-9787

Welcome to Episode 99 of WSTR! This episode's topics include:

- A trip back to 1999 for another look at The Phantom Menace

- Fan abuse of stars ain't so new after all

- George up to his old tricks again in Ireland

- ...and much, much, more!

For all your galactic...

Nov 21, 2018 

Voicemail: (630) 557-9787

Welcome to Episode 98 of WSTR! This episode's topics include:

- The infamously awful 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special

- Stir, whip, stir, whip, whip whip stir

- Venom beats Star Wars at the box office

- ...and much, much, more!

For all your galactic news and talk...

Nov 14, 2018 

Voicemail: (630) 557-9787

Welcome to Episode 97 of WSTR! This episode's topics include:

- Breakdown and review of the 1997 Special Edition releases of the Original Trilogy

- Is the Special Edition really so bad after all?

- Stan Lee passes away at age 95

- ...and much, much, more!

For all...

Nov 7, 2018 

Voicemail: (630) 557-9787

Welcome to Episode 96 of WSTR! This episode's topics include:

- Special guest: Carla Giacolone, 501st member of the Northeast Remnant and Devaron Base!

- Mixed reception of Star Wars in the family

- Clone Wars cancelled for being "too graphic"

- ...and much, much,...